Statistical profile of District Dungargarh


According to 2001 census the total population of District is 1107037, 1.967% of the total population of State. The decennial growth of population was 28.07during 1981-91 which has come down slightly during 1991-2001 i.e. 26.58%. the density of population of district as per 2001 census is 294 Per Sq.Km. while the sex ratio is 1027. the urban population of district is only 80143 while rural population is 1026894.

Year/ Area  Area in Sq. Km Population Density Per Sq. Km  Female Per 1000 Male
Male  Female Total 
1971 Rural  3749-40 246931 252070 499001 133 1021
Urban 20-60 16185 15072 31217 1522 931
Total 3770-00 263116 267142 530258 141 1015
1981 Rural 3752-80 310724 327995 638719 168 1056
Urban 17-20 23227 20899 44126 2560 900
Total 3770-00 333951 348894 682845 181 1045
1991 Rural 3742-73 404688 406044 810732 217 1003
Urban 27-27 33636 30181 63817 234 897
Total  3855-00 438324 436225 874549 232 995
2001 Rural  3742.73 504671 522223 1026894 274 1034
Urban 27.27 41425 38718 80143 2938 934
Total  3770 546096 560941 1107037 294 1027


The total geographical area of District is 385592 hects as per land records. out of which 186784 hects  is cultivable and 134786 hect. is uncultivable. The land use figures of last 4-5 decades reflects no significant changes in the land use pattern. District has less agricultural land, less net area sown, less cultivable wastelands, on the other hand there is more pasture land and grazing land. During 2001-2002 the gross cultivated area was 150904 hect. while net area sown was 121005 hect. and 61241 hect. was forest land. The percentage of area sown against total geographical area was 31.38 while percentage of net irrigated area to net area sown was 14.15% only. 

Particulars 96-97 97-98 98-99 99-2000 2000-01 2001-02
Total Geogragraphical Area 385593 385593 385593 385593 385593 385593
Forest 60691 61126 61126 61241 59442 61241
Non Agriculture use land  22826 22826 22826 22829 22829 22819
Salti and non cultivable  77471 77308 77308 77289 77279 100658
Current fallow   9088    9078     70261 43421 48455 12379
Cultivable Waste Land 23470 23701 25184 24215 24569 24324
Permanent Pasture 34777 34777 34777 34678 34678 34678
Miscellaneous Trees & Crops 2424 2674 2518 2772 2276 2276
Net Area Sown 124758 125329 116777 119148 15072 121005
Gross Sown Area 185073 186200 180219 153406 128261 150904
Area Sown more than once 60315 60871 63442 34258 13189 29899
Gross Irrigated Area 35428 36453 36344 24072 13230 27020
Irrigated Area 31773 33108 32940 21654 12243 24914


The agriculture is main occupation of people of district on which more than 80% people earn their livelihood. Most of the area of district is hilly & sloppy. The net area sown to total geographical area is about 33%.

Particulars 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-02 2002-03
Wheat 38185 21620 9887 23543 9536
Jawar 1067 974 278 532  409
Gram 21874 12532 1927 4770 2437
Maize 62226 63161 69925 68678 75291
Rice 17197 21366 15144 20576 8439
Primary Crops (in M.T.)
Particulars 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-03
Wheat 64914 36754 14776 36690 16124
Jawar 1536 1367 342 962 629
Gram 30627 17545 2286 6318 3300
Maize 18610 23801 19812 30210 2050
Rice 2073 2852 535 3740 279
Production per Hactor (In kg.)
Particulars 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-02 2002-03
Wheat 1699 1700 1496 1685 1690
Jawar 1402 1403 1230 1522 1537
Gram 1400 1400 1186 1324 1354
Maize 299 376 283 439 272
Rice 120 133 35 18 33


Live stock rearing plays very important role in the peasant economy of Dungarpur. According to 1997 cattle censes the District has 401059 cows and bulls, 176584 female and male  buffaloes, 146304 sheeps, 296592 goats with the total cattle population 1312092 which is higher than human population.  There are 35 Hospitals, 13 dispensaries and 131 artificial insemination centres, 12 sub centres village plan and 71 integrated cattle development sub centres  in the district.

Institute No. (2000) No. (2001) No.(2002) No.(2003)
Veterinary Hospital   35 35 35 35
Veterinary Dispensary 13 13 13 13
Sub Centre village base plan 13 13 13 13
Rog Nidan Kendra  1 1 1 1
Pashu Vikas Yojna Upkendra 71 83 83
Artificial Insemination Centres 131 131 131 131


Forests of the district are controlled and regulated by the Forest Department which has a State trading wing too for proper felling of trees and trade in timber. Now State Tribal Area Development Corporation has been entrusted with the purchase and regulation of minor forest produce i.e. gum. puwar, karang, dhaturi, safed musli, honey, bichhukanta, mahuwa, anwala, bahera, ratanjot etc.

Year Income from Tendu Patta  Other Income Total  (Rs. in Lacs)
1989-1990 26.58 6.42 33
1990-1991 53.84 8.01 61.85
1991-1992 69.06 12.04 81.1
1992-1993 57.79 15.08 72.87
1993-1994 11.41 9.38 20.79
1994-1995 29.09 10.74 39.83
1995-1996 22.09 16.4 38.49
1996-1997 32.26 18.94 51.2
1997-1998 20.03 14.31 34.34
1998-1999 21.55 12.04 33.59
1999-2000 37.59 10.39 47.98
2000-2001 40.89 12.48 56.27

Water Resources

There is three perennial rivers in the district. Ralom, Som and Magam. There is one medium irrigation project, 51 irrigation tanks and 900 village tanks to store rain water. In the district about 12870 MCFT  water can be stored out of which at present 3846 mcft water is being stored in the irrigation tanks and 6102 mfct in the Som Kamla Amba Dam.

The gross irrigated area of District during 2000-01 was 27020 hecters while net irrigated area was 24914 hect. 

Complete  1728 Lacs  Ghanmeter
(6102 MCFT)
Useful  1603 Lacs Ghanmeter
(5661 MCFT)
Irrigation Potential 80 % above
Maximum Height of Chief Dam 620 Meter 
Maximum Height of Dam 34.50 Meter
Flood Disposal capacity 20500 Ghanmeter  Per second
Length of Dam 2420 Meter
Water Storage Area 3618 Hect.
Iron Gate 13 No.
Expected Life of Dam 100 Years


Contribution of minerals is also significant upto some extent in the economy of District. The main minerals of district are soapstone, floride, serpentine, marble slab, granite and masonry stone. The production of soapstone was 91.16M.T., Fluoride 156 MT, masonry  stone 14984 mt and serpentine 13203 mt during 2001-2002. There is need to establish processing unit in the district related to mineral and Agro-Forestry based industries.

Name of Minerals Unit Year wise Production
97-98 98-99 99-2000 2000-2001 2001-02
Primary Minerals   
1- Soapstone 000 MT 38.15 98.98 102.77 96.17 91.16
2- Floride 000 MT 0.19 0.49 0.75 0.15
Secondary Minerals  
1-Masonry   Stone 000 MT 74.996 80.51 64 94 149.84
2-Serpentine 000 MT 27.75 120.41 146.06 119.75 132.03

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